Losing Weight is Hard Work

Sunday, July 2, 2017
It's a big deal when people lose weight. And the more weight and bigger transformation in a person the more praise and recognition for it they get. In part because yes, they may look better, but also because losing weight is hard work. People know that, it's a huge accomplishment because it takes so much dedication, focus and commitment.

There are hundreds and hundreds of weight loss products, systems and plans to help people lose weight- because it is not easy and these products and systems are trying to make it a bit easier for people. We have support groups, there are live-in rehab type programs for weight loss. Doctors. Clinics. Studies. All trying to combat and figure out the same thing. When someone sets out to lose weight, they are committing to discipline, to focus, to self control, to consistency and to hard work for as long as it takes.

Why then, do so many of us expect this journey to be easier? Less frustrating, Faster. We are not happy when the scale doesn't move enough. When our body does what it is suppose to do and fluctuates our weight and water we get mad and often give up. We set a goal of 2-3lbs a week and are dissatisfied when we lose 1lb a week. When we diet for 8 weeks and don't see a huge change. Our clothes become loser and people notice that you are slimmer and YOU are the only one who is upset because you only lost a few ounces this morning vs the 2 you were hoping for.

We are setting out to do one of the hardest things that people ever do- and we expect it to be easier and faster. It's like climbing a mountain and getting upset with weather conditions, alternative routes, run ins with animals, injuries, physical exhaustion and everything else you encounter when climbing a mountain. Mountain climbers mentally prepare themselves for the challenges they will face on their journey and do not quit when it begins to rain and they are set back days.

So can I just lovingly say: stop it. Stop. Expect to work your behind off. Expect to have to give up a lot of foods. Expect to not see all of the changes on the scale that you had hoped every single week. Expect for your weight and water retention to fluctuate. Expect for it to take longer than you planned. This is not a race, you want to accomplish something and you want it to last. Adjust your expectations now and enjoy the journey, because it's not just about weight loss. SO much more of you changes through this than just the scale number!

And most importantly, don't give up.


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